
Rabu, 17 Julai 2013

Friends ❤

Assalamualaikum , Hai 

Today our topic about friendship. Yeah its many type of friends such as kind, bad, understanding, selfish and many more. So there are 'TRUE' friends and 'FAKE' friends.

To me, True friend is someone who will stand by you, no matter what. Someone who keeps your secrets. Someone like spending time with you. Someone that like to hear your story and problems. Someone who do favors for you and don't expect anything in return. Someone who understand what you feel and try to calm you. Someone who being honest with you. Someone who worried about you when you sick, cry etc. Someone who love you and support you. Someone who believe you.

Fake friends is someone talking back about you. Someone who find you when they have problems and forget you when they happy. Someone who don't care about you. Someone who not appreciate what you did for them. Someone who talk bad about you without think about your feelings.

So thats some points about TRUE and FAKE friends. So I hope you will know who your true friends.

'FAKE friends are easy to find and easy to loose but TRUE friends are the hardest to find and hardest to loose.'

Afiqah ღ 

Khamis, 11 Julai 2013

Feelings ☺

Assalamualaikum . Hello 

So today nak cerita pasal hati & perasaan.

Some people ade jenis yang takde perasaan bila kena marah or ape , dia jenis relax and buat dono. Bak kata orang 'Ade aku kesah' kannn hahaha.

Some people ade yang jenis sensitif yang memang tak boleh tegur and marah sikit. So of course dia akan menangis.

Some people ade yang fikir baran sendiri. Like orang marah dia, dia marah balik and mula mengamuk sebab dia jenis yang tak suka ditegur.

Some people dia senyum je bila ade masalah or ape ke sebab dia tak nak tunjuk ape yang dia rasa, dia pendam. Bagi dia, biar dia jelah yang tahu and faham ape yang dia rasa. Tapi bila dia keseorangan baru dia luahkan ape yang dia rasa dengan menangis or lain. 

Some people dia ade masalah tapi dia tak nak cerita dekat orang sebab dia tak nak susahkan orang untuk dengar masalah dia and dia pilih untuk simpan masalah tu sendiri. 

For positive people, walau sedih macam mana sekalipun dia yakin ape yang berlaku pasti ade hikmah and dia terima and redha and dia cuba untuk kuat.

Then macam macam perangai manusia yang wujud kat dunia ni haha.

Btw people, they cry doesn't mean they weak but they had kept that feeling for too long and they can't stand of it. They end with cry. That can make they feel better bacause they had release what they felt.


Remember, everything that happens must be a reason. Be patient & strong. Fighting!

p/s : Saya describe orang yang saya kenal and tahulah . Maybe ade yang setuju and maybe tak . Mungkin korang lain cara nak luahkan perasaan kan . Btw thakyou for read 

Jumaat, 21 Jun 2013

Life ~

Assalamualaikum . Hello Blogieee !

Okay . Now nak story pasal life people . Well , bila dah jadi remaja ni macam macam yang terjadi . Pasal pelajaran , kawan , cinta , pergaduhan , drama and so many more . Yang paling penting now kita dah matang . Kita boleh fikir mana yang baik and mana yang buruk . People nowadays , suka buat keputusan yang terburu buru and tak fikir dulu before buat keputusan . Kita patutnya fikir dulu ape kesan yang berlaku bila kita nak buat sesuatu keputusan tu kan kan . Saya ade pengalaman . Saya adalah antara orang yang kawan saya suka cerita masalah dorang and saya mendengar dengan hati yang terbuka dan niat nak tolong . Tips nak buat kawan kita happy & tenang :

1. Dengar masalah dorang , then nasihat elok elok.
2. Buat dorang gelak , as long dorang tak sedih.
3. Sentiasa ade dengan dorang even dia gembira , sedih . Bagi dia rasa diri dorang dihargai .

Friend is part of ourself . So appreaciate the way they are . Love them and always remember them 

Sabtu, 15 Jun 2013

Happy Father's Day ❤

Mr. Tahir 

I want to story about my dad. His full name is Ahmad Tahiruddin bin Alias. His so upright but lovely inside. Sometimes he made a joke and make others laugh. I like the way he care about us family. That made me love him more. Thanks to Allah up to this day my father still alive and I hope Allah grant long life for him. Without him I'm being nothing. He teach me many things about life, love, dunya & akhirat. Thanks to Allah I had a father like him. Dad, I want you to know that I loved you very much for my entire life ❤

Who read this, please appreaciate your Father. Show your love toward him. Be grateful because you had a awesome, handsome and always loving you. Happy Fathers's day to all fathers in the world ❤

Selamat Tinggal Sara ☹

Last moment with Sara 

Hai Assalamualaikum :) Saya nak cerita pasal kawan baik saya , Nur Sara Ielia binti Zainal Asri. Saya kenal dia sejak form 1. Dialah orang pertama yang saya tegur and dialah kawan pertama saya dalam kelas 1 perdana 2011 sebab dia duduk sebelah saya. Gugup weh nak tegur dia sebab muka dia garang waktu tu , siap susun ayat lagi hahaha. Tahun ni dah masuk 3 tahun dah berkawan dengan dia and still satu kelas. Kitaorang jadi kawan baik. Tapi tiba tiba tahun ni dapat berita sedih dia kata nak pindah Langkawi sebab ayah dia kerja sana. Serious sedih oh bila tahu tapi saya yakin kalau ade rezeki , kalau panjang umur inshaAllah kitaorang akan jumpa lagi. 

13 hari bulan haritu dia ade buat makan-2 dekat rumah. Dia ajak satu kelas 3 Perdana. Kitaorang lepas habis sekolah terus pergi rumah sara ramai-ramai macam nak pergi rombongan kawin pun ade aku tengok haha. That day was the best moment ever with Sara & 3 Perdanarians Family ❤ 

The moment bila nak balik rasa macam tak nak balik je. Nak tatap muka sara and luangkan masa dengan sara lama lama. Nak menangis je rasa time tu tapi tahan je. So lepasni saya akan merindui dia hmm. Sara, our friendship not end here but forever. I will miss you Saraaaaaa. Take care dekat sana. Goodluck in everythings. Wherever you are, just be yourself. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH ❤

Hello 2013 ! ❤

Assalamualaikum . Hai long time no seeeeee my lovely blogiee . Yeah I'm back . Dah lama sangat kot tak update blog haha . Miss blog so much sampai lupa acanoo nak guna lol . 

Okay back to topik kat atas tu . Tahun ni dah masuk tahun 2013 . Saya dah pun berumur 15 tahun keke . Tu bermakna saya akan menghadapi Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) Oh noooooooo . Serious scary and now dah masuk bulan 6 . Betapa cepatnyaaaa , tak kuasa nyah hahaha . From now memang kena start serious okaaaaay no play play . Memang susah nak dapatkan 'A' you know . But I will study hard for it and make my parents proud , InshaAllah . Sampai sini saja okay ? Kalau ade masa eden update . Tata titi tutu , Assalamualaikum .

Sincere ,
Afiqah ❤